terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015
quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015
Bolo de banana no liquificador
segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2015
sábado, 11 de abril de 2015
Macarrão turbinado
Macarrão Turbinado
500g macarrão parafuso
300g de fiambre em cubinhos
300g de mozarella em cubinhos
1 caixinha de natas
1 copo de requeijão (coalhada)
2 tomates sem sementes, picadinho
100g de azeitonas picadas
orégano a gosto
sal a gosto
queijo parmesão para polvilhar
Cozinhe o macarrão conforme as instruções da embalagem.
Escorra e reserve.
Em uma tigela misture: o presunto, a mozarella, os tomates, azeitona, orégão e sal.
Acrescente as natas e o requeijão.
Junte tudo ao macarrão reservado.
Polvilhe com o queijo ralado e leve ao forno para gratinar

500g macarrão parafuso
300g de fiambre em cubinhos
300g de mozarella em cubinhos
1 caixinha de natas
1 copo de requeijão (coalhada)
2 tomates sem sementes, picadinho
100g de azeitonas picadas
orégano a gosto
sal a gosto
queijo parmesão para polvilhar
Cozinhe o macarrão conforme as instruções da embalagem.
Escorra e reserve.
Em uma tigela misture: o presunto, a mozarella, os tomates, azeitona, orégão e sal.
Acrescente as natas e o requeijão.
Junte tudo ao macarrão reservado.
Polvilhe com o queijo ralado e leve ao forno para gratinar
terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2015
Crispy Potato Roast
Crispy Potato Roast
I about died when I saw a version of this recipe on Martha Stewart's website. I am a huge potato fanatic and these just looked stunning! I altered a couple of things in her recipe, but followed her technique and concept.
I used some pancetta in my version. Bacon may work fine, too.
The key to this recipe is getting the potato slices as thin as you can, so prepping the potatoes takes a little time. Also, patience is a must as this dish bakes for about two hours total. (It's totally worth it - trust me!)
This is a dish that is super impressive-looking and would really wow at a dinner party!
For nutritional value information, you can visit my post of this recipe on My Recipe Magic. Click on the "Nutrition" tab at the top of the post there.
3 tablespoons butter, melted
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
10 - 12 russet potatoes, peeled
Kosher salt
1 small onion or 4 shallots, peeled and sliced very thin
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
4 - 6 fresh thyme sprigs
About 3 ounces pancetta, cubed
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Combine the oil and melted butter in a small dish. Set aside.
Brush a round baking dish (around 9 - 10 inches) with a little of the butter and oil mixture.
Slice the potatoes as thin as possible crosswise. Arrange potatoes vertically in the baking dish. Wedge onion or shallot slices throughout potato slices - in about 3 or 4 sections of each potato. Sprinkle with salt and pepper flakes (use some black pepper if not using red pepper flakes). Brush with the remaining butter and oil mixture.
Bake for 1 hour and 25 minutes uncovered. If you find at anytime throughout baking that the potatoes are too dry, a little of the olive oil/butter from the bottom of the baking dish can be brushed on the slices. Also, a butter knife can be used to separate some of the slices if there are some sticking together too much.
While potatoes are baking, brown the pancetta in a small pan. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Set aside.
Remove potatoes from oven.
Add pancetta by scattering around throughout the potatoes. Lay the thyme sprigs on top of potatoes.
Bake for an additional 35 minutes. Remove from oven.
Sprinkle on a little more kosher salt. Serve immediately. Sour cream is a great accompaniment to the potatoes.
sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2015
Apple Cake Laura Vitale
Apple Cake Laura Vitale
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 1 hrs 15 mins
1 cup of Unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
1 cup of Sugar
4 Eggs
1 Packet of Vanilla (or 2 tsp of Vanilla Extract)
2 tsp of Baking Powder
Zest of 1 Lemon
3 cups of Flour
½ tsp of Salt
½ cup of Limoncello
4 Apples, peeled cored and cut into bite size pieces
¾ cup of Milk
1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a bunt pan well and set aside.
2) In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar, add the lemon zest, eggs and salt and mix to combine.
3) Add the milk and limoncello and whisk it all together so you have a smooth mixture.
4) Add the flour along with the baking powder and vanilla powder (or extract) and mix it together just long enough to combine the dry ingredients.
5) Sprinkle the apples with a about 3 tbsp of flour and toss them to coat.
6) Add the apples to the batter and fold them in.
7) Pour the batter in the prepared pan and bake it for about one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes or until fully cooked through.
8) Allow it to cool completely, invert onto a platter and dust generously with confectioner sugar.
NOTE: the batter might need to get thinned out with a bit of milk or thickened with a little extra flour. I tried my best to measure the ingredients as best as I could but as I have mentioned in the video, my nonna does not measure and just does things by eye. Check out the video so you can see what the consistency of the batter should look like.
Thank you!
Recipe By: Laura Vitale2) In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar, add the lemon zest, eggs and salt and mix to combine.
3) Add the milk and limoncello and whisk it all together so you have a smooth mixture.
4) Add the flour along with the baking powder and vanilla powder (or extract) and mix it together just long enough to combine the dry ingredients.
5) Sprinkle the apples with a about 3 tbsp of flour and toss them to coat.
6) Add the apples to the batter and fold them in.
7) Pour the batter in the prepared pan and bake it for about one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes or until fully cooked through.
8) Allow it to cool completely, invert onto a platter and dust generously with confectioner sugar.
NOTE: the batter might need to get thinned out with a bit of milk or thickened with a little extra flour. I tried my best to measure the ingredients as best as I could but as I have mentioned in the video, my nonna does not measure and just does things by eye. Check out the video so you can see what the consistency of the batter should look like.
Thank you!

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